

REIKI is the hands on healing trade that is largely underrepresented or misrepresented. I initiate and build custom client experiences, in a comfortable healing space. I believe that health and spirit are one and the same.

This ( our spirit ) ( health) in relationship to the physical body is undeniably the key to understanding pain and the physical manifestation of illness.When we have addressed all our domains of care we are experiencing equilibrium. It’s maintaining this state that we are responsible for. When we have a sense of control over our care and how it is handled we have a stronger chance of living a whole and content state that is then the foundation for resilient living.


Whether it’s based on a more traditional or modern style of practice, crown work is the first step in an art that requires attention to the mental state.


Emotional state

Balancing takes place as the process of the practice deepens in its effects.

A respite from stress that is consistently placed on our nervous system through the daily routines we engage in is necessary to equalize our emotional body.


Physical state

We can become further comforted in the last phase of the session by addressing the area of the body we often seek touch in assistance for relief of the tensions that we shoulder.

In a Reiki session: it is a non invasive and fully clothed experience. I encourage people to dress comfortably. Hydrate and Rest.


Spiritual Care

An Illness or chronic condition can tax the time and energy of any person. When we do not feel connected to that which normally centre’s us due to an illness our spiritual battery needs recharging. How we manage the recovery process or the the new reality, can be addressed by engaging in modalities of care that help interrupt the stress cycle and induce our natural sleep cycle that allows us to regulate our internal chemistry.

REIKI is one of these modalities.


It’s a dirty job.

Integration of what it means to experience our best health is a life long adjustment.

People seek to be understood and to understand.

When we seek insight into ourselves and want to know the why. We reach out. Reiki helps us also reach within.

When we may not feel well, being functional in our daily lives is important to our mental landscape. This is best addressed by the person requiring support. Our body has its own wisdom.

I provide space and support through my practice.

The experience and benefits of Reiki is best initialized in three sessions in order to deepen the awareness of the potential benefits of Reiki. Sessions are not limited to this and can be adjusted to suit.

I practice daily.

Music In Care

All my life I have been involved in the joy and love of music on a very personal level.

I started appreciating music as far back as I can remember. I grew up in an artistic space that fostered my creativity and intellectual growth.

In reflection, music has been so integrated into all healing aspects of my life’s work, that I decided to pursue ongoing professional training in the use of music in care; as I have always intuitively used it in my practice.

I teach others the reasons why I use and value it, so that they can understand the intentional impact it can also have on their lives and those they love.

Music heals.

In trained hands it deepens healing.

Music is medicine. Ask me how it can help.




Small projects or larger scale undertakings inspire me to be my best.

I like instilling a sense of confidence into all the work that I do. There are no problems for me, only solutions that must be sought out, understood and implemented.

Reasons to collaborate on the best practices and actions available is something that I value.

I genuinely love people and advocating for what is necessary for them to meet their goal.

Community and communication is key.

What I know, I learned, by doing.

Inquiries can be made by email



Memories: important snippets of time, people, places and things in our lives.

I assist and guide people in the act of tangible and intangible memorialization of their story between sounds ( music) memories and the written word.



I am available for grief support and advocacy in care settings. This work can also be done in my studio in St.Albert.